Stewart has based his film on true events, well about 95% of the film is based on his actual experiences while out with friends in the deep woods. For anyone familiar with those franchises you have to wonder just what more can this film offer. The title of the film appears as “The Hunted” but a video glitch changes it to “The Haunted.” Thoughts of the aforementioned Paranormal films and The Blair Witch Project will no doubt come to mind when one hears that this takes place in the forest. Right off the bat you know you’re in for something supernatural.

One evening they hear something in the woods, something unnerving, something hidden by the darkness that their lights cannot reveal. Utilizing numerous hand-held, stationary and motion-sensor cameras they hope to capture and hunt the monster buck.

In hopes of landing his own hunting reality show, Jake enlists the aid of his good friend Steve and together they head deep into the forest to track an elusive buck that is sure to make them famous. If you hear menacing music or sounds than you know something is about to happen or is there? Josh Stewart has crafted an affective found footage horror film that works the conventions but occasionally succumbs to the pitfalls inherent of the format. Thanks to the Paranormal Activity franchise viewers have been put on guard trained to look for things in the periphery of the frame. You can only see what the camera sees which in turn is what the character sees. The conventions of the found footage genre are pretty well known by now.